how can database records be read without lock ?
How many libraries can be there in library list ?
how to see all source files in a particular library? ex:xyz is a library name a,b,and c..... are source files how to see?
Hi, can you plz tell me ...syntax for GET command in FTP & SFTP is same or different???
what are the three line types in rlu ?
what does opcode post do ?
what is qcmdexc?
Can any one explain the basic things about RLU and Printer Files and their Definitions for both and why are they used,i'm a newbee so please help me out
define the purpose of the leave operation?
how can i get the cursor position in display screen to to display my window?
Can we add or remove the module object from service Program..and how...?
How to create a user defined (general) data area?
What are the types of data structure in as400?