writing an sql statement from selecting records from two files using single statement and nested select statement.
can error messages as a result of a comp, range or values keyword be overridden?
what are the uses of factor1, factor2 and result field for the rpg operation code parm?
What is a Member?
I/o error detected,Record Out of sequence,Permanent I/o error occured....I mean give one eg for these errors...i understand only,update/delete operation without prior read oprn..give details of remaining
When will DUMP and DEBUG opcodes be ignored?
What are the different types of keywords in display files?
What is the symbol used for defining a new field in SDA?
What is the purpose of the following? I 'CLOSED' C STAT01 I 'OPEN' C STAT02
What is the type, length of a LDA?
what are dds required for subfile?
Difference Between Interactive & Batch Job?
maximum number of subfiles that can be active for a single file is?