Why are the tides produced in the sea ?

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Why are the tides produced in the sea ?..

Answer / sanju

The moon and sun attract the water in the sea on the surface
of the earth and this causes tides. When attraction by the
sun and the moon is in the same direction, a high tide is
produced: and when their attractions act in opposite
directions, low tide is produced.

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Why are the tides produced in the sea ?..

Answer / david thiel

The earth-moon system has a center a gravity that is inside
the sphere of the Earth.Because of this the Earth wobbles
when it rotates on it's axis (the Earth day ). On the moon
side of this system it is the moons gravitational pull that
causes the tidal bulge toward it, but it is centripical
force because the side away from the moon is spining
further away and faster from the center of rotation that
causes the tidal bulge on the side away from the moon.

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