If a body is hung from a spring balance first at the poles
and then at the Equator, why do the readings of the balance
change ?

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If a body is hung from a spring balance first at the poles and then at the Equator, why do the read..

Answer / sanju

The readings of the balance change because the force of
attraction is greater at the poles than at the poles than at
the equator.

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If a body is hung from a spring balance first at the poles and then at the Equator, why do the read..

Answer / ed the great

the above answer, caused by the difference in radius of the
Earth at the equater and the north pole.

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If a body is hung from a spring balance first at the poles and then at the Equator, why do the read..

Answer / kalim

the readings of the balance changes because gravitational force on poles is greater than the gravitational force at equator

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