Is there god and what is the difference between energy
in space and so called goddly energy

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Is there god and what is the difference between energy in space and so called goddly energy..

Answer / risheeth deshpande

Answer to : Is there God is God is here. Actually we cannot
think or there is no meaning to our life not believing in
Him. And secondly, difference in energy in space and so
called Godly energy
Godly energy Space energy
Spirituality & Science only Science
superior normal
creator creation
He does miracles no miracles

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Is there god and what is the difference between energy in space and so called goddly energy..

Answer / daniel sweetlin

God is a superior to all of us in His power, Knowlege etc.
Just think, we are unable to produce any molecule or atom
or a molecular combination or system which can produce
another molecule or a system by itself.
Though we are much advanced in science we only try to
understand how GOD keeps the Universe function.
In Physics we try to decode the rules GOD has formulated
for the smooth function of nature.
Godly energy is sipritual not physical! Physical
instruments can be used to measure physical quantities but
not that of spiritual!! Hope it helps.

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Is there god and what is the difference between energy in space and so called goddly energy..

Answer / asdfsasdf

God does not exist so this question

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Is there god and what is the difference between energy in space and so called goddly energy..

Answer / phani

without some energy, nothing is in universal
ex. Why we are living by using oxygen only
that means our body system is constructed according to
availability. that available energy given by some power
that power is called god

ex: our general system is like that summer after that rainy
season after that winter
why it is like this type only?
best example is : any seeds will develop in night time only
i.e. according to moon moment, those will develops.
this system is created by some power i.e. god

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