how many type of indexing in database?
Why do we need different type of parameter?
How to use "begin ... End" statement structures in ms sql server?
What is the difference between a Local temporary table and a Global temporary table? How is each one used?
Ek lifafa 10 noto se bhara hai usme 2 or 5 ke note nahi hai aur usme total 50Rs hai, to batao lifafe me kon se not kitne hia it’s a challenge thank’s
What is filestream?
What is exclusive locks?
What is sql service broker?
hi, may i know what is the command to get abstract the current month, current year and current day from a given date.i want these three in a isolated way..seperatedly is that any way in sql server 2000
What is difference statement and preparedstatement?
Do you know how to implement service broker?
How many full-text indexes can a table have?
Which Model uses the SET concept