In base 10 representation for a rupee 100 paise,then base 8 representation what is rupee value?
how to move a file to a folder with extension by using c program
a vendor solds two things at same cost 12 RS with one item at 25%profit and other at 20%loss,by this transaction he made profit or loss by how much
Dinesh is seated 7 from the left and satish is seated 12 from the right. when they interchange their positions, dinesh is seated 22nd from the left. How many people are there?
please send the model question paper for sbi bank exam
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
hi friend generally short forms are asked in Net Solutions paper.i m writing them below
2 Answers Accenture, Net Solution,
3 Answers Citicorp, COSL, PAF, Wipro,
What is generaly Question asking in Export & Import Job? (Documation Asst. & Office Asst.)
27.) Given that the cost price of 10 oranges is equal to the cost price of 1 kg of apples and the cost price of 12 apples is equal to the cost price of 1 kg of oranges. If the selling price of 15 oranges is equal to the selling price of 1 kg of apples, then the selling price of 1 kg of oranges is equal to selling price of (Assume that all the apples are identical and this holds true for the oranges as well.) a) 8 apples b) 9 apples c) 10 apples d) 12 apples
4 lemons = 1rupees,1 mango = 1 rs,1 jackfruit =15rs, Calculate in such a way that there should be total of 100 rs and total of 100 fruits
Three containers A, B and C have volumes a, b, and c respectively; and container A is full of water while the other two are empty. If from container A water is poured into container B which becomes 1/3 full, and into container C which becomes 1/2 full, how much water is left in container A?
You have two jars, 50 red marbles and 50 blue marbles. A jar will be picked at random, and then a marble will be picked from the jar. Placing all of the marbles in the jars, how can you maximize the chances of a red marble being picked? What are the exact odds of getting a red marble using your scheme?
2 Answers Altera, Microsoft, SikSoft,
How much is 3/7 larger than 20 percent of 2