What are the different types of backups that exist?
What is the template in sql?
What is clustered index
Write a query to get all details of employee who has maximum salary from employee table
What are Row versions of DataRow?
How you can find out if an index is useful to the optimizer?
can a database be shrunk with users active? : Sql server administration
What are the essential components of sql server service broker?
You have a stored procedure, which execute a lengthy batch job. This stored procedure is called from a trigger you do not want to slow the data entry process you do not want trigger to wait for this batch job to finish before it completes itself what you can do to speed up the process?
How to select top 5 coloumn from a table without using coloumn name
What are the difference between primary keys and foreign keys?
Difference between report and query parameter. Why do we need different type of parameter?
Does full backup break log chain?