i have a column which may contain this kind of value:
123*67_80,12*8889_5,34*8_874 ,12*7_7
(can contain space before a comma, and this string length can be anything)
now i want to split this value into two column like:
column1: 123*67,12*8889,34*8,12*7
column2: 80,5,874,7
use function for this
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Hi, Can anybody please explain me the flow of the below query. I am not able to understand how this query works. This query is for finding the Nth highest salary.. SELECT DISTINCT (a.sal) FROM EMP A WHERE &N = (SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT (b.sal)) FROM EMP B WHERE a.sal<=b.sal); If N = 2 then second highest salary will be the o/p. If N = 3 then third highest salary will be the o/p. and so on.. Thanks, Nitin
5 Answers Deloitte, Ness Technologies,
how to shut down the server with 'mysqladmin'? : Sql dba
how can we transpose a table using sql (changing rows to column or vice-versa) ? : Sql dba