When QTP object wait time is 10 seconds, and in test script wait time is 5 seconds and in function library wait time is 2 seconds how much time does the wait occur? or which is given priority.
anyone can explain Diff B/w Actions and Functions
In qtp is it possible to check broken links of a page?
how can u put synchronization point in qtp,wat is exactly synchroniztion why we use it wat is benifit in qtp
13 Answers College School Exams Tests, Mind Tree,
what is bultin funtaion in QTP &tell me five examples?
Mention what are the different types of recording modes in qtp? Which will be used when?
How to Parameterize Object repository in QTP?
How many tabs are available to view your test in a test pane and what are they?
In an(AUT) web application their are two frames as fraMain and fraFooter. Both the frames contain link which needs to be retrieved at a single step. I tried it using "Regular Expression" as fra.* but QTP doesn't recognize the object. So Plz help me out to get resolve the problem:-)
what are inputs for automation?
What are the recording modes in wave event?
What are the Features & Benefits of Quick Test Pro (QTP)..?
Do you know SQL? I know SQL but i don't have any experience...that's it..No more questions ...simply he said " you can leave for the day" ...guys prepare SQL Quires before attending interview in bank of america...