How do you read in the variables that you need?
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Answer / rajesh
If you need the required variables;
go for the condiation statments or input statment or keep
and drop options, and if it is in output then var statement
in the proc print.
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Answer / vijai bhaskar
if u want u read particular variables in the data step by
using input statement
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Answer / ram
if u read priticular variables in data by using keep and
drop statements
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Answer / harsha
Using with Var statment we can read the required variable.
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Answer / natraj
In data step and Proc step you can use the data set options
such as KEEP= / DROP= .
ex: data xxx (keep=a); or data xxx ( drop= b c);
proc print data=xxx (keep=a) or ( drop= b c);
you can use the VAR STATEMENT in PRINT PROCEDURE to list
the desired varibles;
ex: proc print data= xxx;
var a ; /* put your desired variables */
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