What is the TDS rate in Maharastra, Tamil Nadu, Karnakata,Odisha & West Bengal.
What is about Profession Tax.
what is bills payable and bills receivable?
purchase plant and machinery
how many types excise audits and when they are applicable to firm
A firm had the following Balances on 1 January 1994: (i) Provision for bad and doubtful debts Rs 2,500 (ii) Provision for discounts on debtors Rs 1,200 (iii) Provision for discounts on creditors Rs 1,000 During the year, bad debts amounted to Rs 2,000, discounts allowed were Rs 100 and discounts received were Rs 200. During 1995 bad debts amounting to Rs l,000 were written off while discounts allowed and received were Rs 2,000 and Rs 5,000 respectively. Total debtors on 31 December, 1995 were Rs 48,000 before writing off bad debts, but after allowing discounts. On 31 December, 1995, this amount was Rs 19,000 after writing off the bad debts, but before allowing discounts. Total creditors on these two dates were Rs 20,000 and Rs 25,000 respectively. It is the firm’s policy to maintain a provision of 5% against bad and doubtful debts and 2% for discount on debtors and a provisions of 3% for discount on creditors. Show the accounts relating to provisions on debtors and provisions on creditors for the year 1994 and 1995.
1.what is loan and what is lease? 2.what is defered revenue? and expenditure?
Explain what is the disadvantage of double entry system?
what is mean by accounts
Interest on capital will be paid to the partners if provided for in the agreement but only from________ (a) Profits. (b) Reserves. (c) Accumulated Profits. (d) Goodwill.
Give Any three special cases of computation of capital Gain U/s 45(1A) to 45(6)?
X draws a bill on Y for Rs 20,000 for 3 months on 1.1.05. The bill is discounted with banker at a charge of Rs 100. At maturity the bill return dishonoured. In the books of X, for dishonour, the bank account will be credited by Rs. (a) 19,900 (b) 20,000 (c) 20,100 (d) 19,800
What is the purpose of preparing BRS? What are the uses?