when apply for ragistred in central excise no
What are the errors and the types of errors?
please tell me short cut method in maths as well as in english for correcting the error for the post of clerck in bank exam
what are the difference between banking institutions and financial institutions?
expand N A V
Waht is general Reserve
difference between contra entry and double entry?
What part can management policy play in the analysis of cost behaviour?
how to do tds entry at tally 9?
While processimg for vendor outgoing payments in f-53 i am getting error massage i.e.exchange rate difference incomplete in vendor g/l account and allowing me to clear the payment,how can i rectify this one,plz guide me?
If a software is being purchased which can be used at its own for the purpose of implementation of computerisation of various customer accounting system. then what will be the treatment for the same in accounts ??? whether it will be considered as intangible assets or inventory?