Wha is difference between expenses and expenditure
In manufacturing co at what time entry tax shall be applicable
previous year tax adjustment (i.e. short/excess provision) on completion of its assessment in current year should be shown in p&l a/c or p&l appro.a/c?
How to adjust bank charges in bank od a/c?
Why we do depreciation?What is the main object of Depreciation?
What is the formula for acid test ratio in accounting?
What is the use of form D in sale tax
purchase plant and machinery
what is cash flow statement and fund fund flow statement
What is the Project Accounting in case of Real Estate or Construction Co`s ?
what is the relationship between bookkeeping and accounting?
calculations of income tax & tds
The Trial balance will show only the Opening Stock & Purchase for any given period, but for Profit and loss, we have to calucate the Opening + Purchase – Closing stock ?