Dear Experts, Please advice, what are the rate of WCT , and is it differ from individual to companies in case of deduction ( if i am the deducting person)
I Have Deducted the tds against advance payment and how to adjust in the bill
Need of Bank Reconciliation to a company
Excise Duty is a tax and CST is also tax then why CST on excise duty while calculating to arrive total value of supply order?
what are direct and indirect tax.
the vendor is supplying us printing application forms including material and he add 5% vat is there any chance to deduct tds
what is rate of vat on gold ? and what is the rate of tax applicalbe on sale of gold in case of interstate sale ?
Clasify Capital and capital Gains
E payment is valid for Income Tax only or can other payment will me made?
i wanna p.y tax assistant exam question paper Please send this as earlier as.
what is cess?
Why are component values not adding up to total values in some tables?
For the Quarter Oct-Dec 2008, we hav to give the service tax purchase bills and Sales bills whose payment are cleared in that particular quarter. if i missed any of the bills for the filing? shall i submit the missing bills inthe next quarter(Jan - Mar 09)?