What is Workflow management (systems)?
Answer / sruthi patel
To explain this we identify four categories of WFM support:
– Pure WFM systems
At this point in time many WFM systems are available and used in practise. Ex- amples of systems include Staffware Process Suite, FileNET BPM Suite, i-Flow, FLOWer, WebSphere MQ Workflow (formerly known as MQSeries Workflow), TIBCO InConcert, etc.
– WFM components embedded in other systems
Many software packages embed a generic workflow component whose function- ality is comparable to the pure WFM systems. For example, most ERP systems provide a workflow component. SAP WebFlow is the workflow component of SAP offering all the functionality typically present in traditional stand-alone WFM prod- ucts.
– Custom-made WFM solutions
Many organizations, e.g., banks and insurance companies, have chosen not to use a commercially available WFM solution but build an organization-specific solution. These solutions typically only support a subset of the functionality offered by the first two categories. Nevertheless, these systems support the definition and execu- tion of different workflows.
– Hard-coded WFM solutions
The last category refers to the situation were the processes are hard-coded in the applications, i.e., there is no generic workflow support but applications are coupled in such a way that a specific process is supported. The only way to change a process is to change the applications themselves, i.e., unlike the first three categories there is no component that is process-aware. Note that in these hard-coded system an explicit orchestration layer is missing.
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