What are the SQL clauses supported in the link property sheet ?
Explain armstrong rules? How they are complete and/or sound?
when we login sql editor using username and password then it says this error "could not resolve service name" then what can we do at client side.( here thing is tnsnames.ora file is ok till yesterday and worked well, but now it giving error.)
What is e-r model in the dbms?
What is a database in a website?
What is rdbms and also explain its components?
What are the importance of partitioning in dbms?
What are the basic functions of a database?
Explain the different types of constraints in dbms?
Discuss transparent DBMS?
How to prevent firebird.log file from filling up the disk partition?
What type of file is used for porting Forms 4.5 applications to various platforms?
What is meant by a database?