Artificial Intelligence has its expansion in the following application. (Mark all that apply)
a) Planning and Scheduling
b) Game Playing
c) Diagnosis
d) Robotics
e) All of the above
What is used for tracking uncertain events? a) Filtering algorithm b) Sensors c) Actuators d) None of the mentioned
Which method is effective for escaping from local minima? a) Updating heuristic estimate b) Reducing heuristic estimate c) Eliminating heuristic estimate d) None of the mentioned
What is ai? Why do we implement ai in the robots?
Agents behavior can be best described by a) Perception sequence b) Agent function c) Sensors and Actuators d) Environment in which agent is performing
What does the language of fopl consists of?
What are roles in ai career?
Suppose I have gmail account, I want to delete all the mails in my inbox having the same name(for eg., Orkut). I have thousands of mails like that. So, how can I delete all the mails having single name. Is there any option provided in gmail?
How many types of agents are there in artificial intelligence? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
What is not represented by using propositional logic? a) Objects b) Relations c) Both a & b d) None of the mentioned
Which of the following algorithm is online search algorithm? a) Breadth-first search algorithm b) Depth-first search algorithm c) Hill-climbing search algorithm d) None of the mentioned
What is user interface?
How the new states are generated in genetic algorithm? a) Composition b) Mutation c) Cross-over d) Both b & c