Parameter and variable differences

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If no. of source columns is changing every time (First time it is 10 next time it is 20 so on). How to deal with it without changing mapping?

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Q. We are the loading the table on daily basis it is incremental loading. and A person rahul slary was 10000, so if i check before run my salalr is 10000. but toay there is update that my sal is 15k but that will come to know after the load. braod crtiteria is we donot want to show downstream teams partial updated data. need aproad as etl developer

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Suppose we have a csv file with contents as below which is used has a source file. C1,C2,C3,C4 100,200,A B,300 200,400,X,Y,299 ---> it should be 4 values but by mistake 300,600,C D,566 with a comma in between X & Y,its 5. My target takes only 4 columns, How to take care of the 2 record as above without rejecting it and loading in the target. Hope u guys have understood my scenerio

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I have a file with data comming as 1,x1,x2,x3 2,a1,a2 3,b1,b2,b3,b4 1,y1,y2,y3 2,c1,c2,c3 3,d1,d2 my out put should be as follows x1,x2,x3,a1,a2,<null>,b1,b2,b3,b4 y1,y2,y3,c1,c2,c3,d1,d2,<null> Please let me know how can we acheive this in informatica Thanks in advance

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