You mail server belongs to . An email destined for . This type of email address is ?
Choose three reasons why the networking industry uses a layered model: * It facilitates systematic troubleshooting * It allows changes in one layer to occur without changing other layers * It allows changes to occur in all layers when changing one protocol * It clarifies how to do it rather than what general function to be done * It clarifies what general function is to be done rather than how to do it
If a switch has been configured with two vlans, how many broadcast domains will be there
List 3 types of email addresses (for the mailer):
Define dhcp?
What are the different states of STP?
what is the main difference b/w standard and extended ACL
What is the metric RIP uses to determine the best route ?
Which sublayer builds frames? a. LLC b. MAC c. none d. both
ICMP redirects are sent from _ to __ ? a. DTE, DCE b. DCE, CTE c. host, router d. router, host
SonicWALL keep on fail over after upgrade from to have encounter this and what is the next step to solve the issue
How dynamic host configuration protocol aid in network administration?
Explain how to perform system maintenance?