Profit is a asset or liability to the company....? If is it a asset or it is....?
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what is the main link between the income statement and the balance sheet?
those who finished +2 accounts groups please give me +1 and +2 accounts books if any one have please mail me i need it urgent please help me
what is gross profit?
What experience do you have with general ledger?
how can i make configration relation with inflation in sap
why RBI cant print more currency?
capital 2000000,sundry crediors 75000, building 150000
in first puc accountancy book by B.S.Raman there is a lots f definitions for everything so how should i have to study
what is the meaning of interim period?
How the sub ledgers(AP, AR) integrate with GL liability and receivable
what is accounting in automobile
which are company offering jobs in PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT ?