what is the difference between promoted and distinguished
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Answer / rajesh charagandla
There are two different ways in which you can
programmatically access an attribute or element in BizTalk,
they are called Distinguished Field and Promoted Property.
The main differences between them are summarized in the
table below.
Promoted properties can do everything and more than
distinguished fields, but this doesn't mean that
distinguished fields are less useful. Actually you should
prefer the use distinguished fields whenever possible:
Distinguished Field Promoted Property
Syntax msgOrder.CustomerId msgOrder(BookShop.CustomerId)
Access method Using XPath in runtime. Inserted in message
context during pipeline processing.
Can be accesses by Only in code in orchestrations. Both in
orchestration code and in the messaging configuration (e.g.
filters on send ports).
Storage Only run-time access A promoted property is stored
in the message context.
Constrained by message contents Yes, only values within the
message may be accessed. No, any type value can be promoted
in a pipeline (there is no need for the value to be
contained in the message).
Routable No Yes, as they are attached to the message context
they can be used for routing
Expensive (whatever that means) No Yes, even if they are
never used they are always read and inserted into the
message context. As the message is passed through the
MessageBox and Orchestration the context needs to be copied
and stored.
Visible in HAT No Yes
Size limit Unlimited Max 256 characters
XSD type support More than prom.prop. Less than dist.fields
Which one of these two ways to access elements/attributes in
a message should you choose? The answer will present itself
if you answer the following questions:
* Do you need to route on the information in the
* Do you need to track the element/attribute?
* Do you need to use information that can only be
dynamically created, i.e., it is not directly accessible in
the message.
If the answer to any of these questions is Yes, then you
need to use a promoted property. If the answers to all
questions are No, then you should use a distinguished field.
Depending on the type of solution you are creating you will
find that you use one of these more than the other.
Messaging solutions typically use promoted properties to
route incoming messages to the correct destination, there is
no need to use distinguished fields in messaging solutions
as you no way of accessing the value.
If you are building a solution containing orchestrations
that model business processes you will probably mainly use
distinguished fields. The reason for this is that you will
have less need for the routing capabilities of promoted
properties, and as it is less expensive from a performance
perspective to use distinguished fields you should prefer
these. In orchestrations you can use distinguished fields in
a number of ways; conditions for looping and decisions
shapes, expression shape and message assignment shape.
Basic rule for which to use would be: always use a
distinguished field, unless you have to route, track, or
correlate on the source content, then use a property (i.e.
promoted field).
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Answer / veeru
Promoted properties can be accessed in Orchestrations,
ports, pipelines, schemas.They Use server resources.
Distingished fields are light weight and can be accessed
only in Orchestrations
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Answer / guest
promoted property makes schema variables visible for data
segregation , distinguished property makes the variable
visible within the orchestration.
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Answer / krishna rathi
Promoted property is by property schema and can be
accessible for content based routing.
It Can be accessed in orchestration,pipelines and schema.
Distinguished property is for using in expressions and
coding in biztalk orchestration.
It can only be accessed in orchestration.
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Answer / tchaitanya
Hi ,
The Message coming to biztalk is consists of content and
context. Content is Data i.e body part of xml and Context
is the Information Written by Various Biztalk components at
the time of Pipelining and by adapters. for security resons
biztalk is build like that it can see only the context
properties. It cannot see the content properties. so in
order to see the elemennts of xml by biztalk, the elements
must be moved(promoted) from Content to Context. This is
called Promoting.It is done at Receive ports, And Demoting
also Must be done at the send ports.
Distingushed properties are like Call by values and these
are light weight. and these are exposed only to
Orchestration and hence it is used only in Orchestration
Solution. for this element limit is unlimited
Promoted properties are like call by references and these
are more weight. and these are exposed by all the
components of biztalk.element limit is upto 255.
when we add the promoted property it creates a prpoerty
schema . it have only the elements which are promoted and
it have No Root and the one default element is property1.
It is having no importance. we can delete it or we can kept
it like that only
Normally we promote the properties on the schema, but
logically they are done at disassemble stage of receive
Distiguished fields are used in only Orchestration soultions
(i.e solutions have Orchestrations)
Promoted fields can be used in Orchestration solutions and
Messaging Solutions(Solutions With Out Having
Distinguished properties are Used Mostly in EAI Appllication
(i.e Applications in same organisations)
Property Promotions are used mostly in B2B Applications.
(i.e Application across different organisations for
different purpose.
If any Mistakes are there Please Notify me.
Chaitanya Talasila
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