While I prepare Form JJ for goods transfer I made a mistake
that the value of goods is morethan the actual value(i.e.
instead of Rs.92100/- I filed Rs.1354000/-)and the copy of
JJ sheet is sealed in the checkpost one copy is taken in the
checkpost. please anybody give me the exact solution.
what is the procedure for Excisable goods transfer from Head office to branch and vice versa (the branch is located in the same state) also if the branch is located in other states. How will it affect the VAT returns
Wether TDS is deducted if its jobwork and VAT is charged on that
How to working service tax in excel sheet?
Person received the gift this person is taxable or not. If It is taxable then which law (act)is aplicable and under section.....
do we have tds in nigeria
we are registerd dealer in delhi we are purchase some goods from unregisterd dealer pls. suggest me what type entry in my book for records . all pur. in cash
What is the procedure to take modvat and its form number
I am register delear in Maharashtra state, I sold pulses to a register delear in Andrapradesh state. In Andra state tax is applicable on pulses, but in Maharashtra pulses are tax free, So I have to take "c" form from buyer party or not ?
if a person is investing rs.100 per month for 11 months of a year,how much ammount of annuity he will be paid at the end of year?
Dear All, We are a trader and doing one E-1 sales. Supplier send the material by To-pay basis, we endorse the LR and sold to Customer. Customer has given the purchase order for Basic amount and freight amount also. That means we have to pay the freight and getting the reimbursement from customer. In E-1 sales Invoice can we show the freight amount separtely as freight ? Since the customer need the freight head should be shown separetly. Or can we raise the separate debit note for this. Is it create any tax implifications in E-1? Please claify the same at the earliest. regards Regards Thananjeyan.P
how to calculate tds?
Who is liable for TDS ON CONTRACTORS 1% categories ?