How do glucose and amino acids cross the blood-brain barrier?
What are the occupational factors of Dupuytren's contracture?
Which teratogenic agent causes vaginal clear cell adenocarcinoma?
What does the umbilical arteries give rise to?
What gut regions and structures does the IMA supply?
What is the function of Myenteric plexus Submucosal plexus?
What are 3 clinical findings of the arm in Erb-Duchenne palsy?
When does foetal erythropoiesis occur in the spleen?
What is the histologic presentation of DiGeorge's syndrome?
Obturator nerve damage manifests what deficit?
What is the mnemonic to remember layers and products of adrenal cortex?
Which branchial arch forms the anterior 2/3 of the tongue?
When do primary oocytes complete meiosis I?