Which branchial arch forms the anterior 2/3 of the tongue?
What are the 3rd branchial arch derivatives innervated by?
What is produced by beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans?
Does blood arise from neural crest (ectoderm), mesoderm, or endoderm?
Does the parathyroid arise from neural crest (ectoderm), mesoderm, or endoderm?
Describe microtubule arrangement of cilia?
What is the function of Meissner's corpuscles?
What is the histologic presentation of DiGeorge's syndrome?
Is the Entrorhinal cortex part of the limbic system?
What can be found in the cortex of the thymus?
Does the spleen arise from neural crest (ectoderm), mesoderm, or endoderm?
Visual fibers from the lateral geniculate body terminate on the upper and lower banks of what fissure?
Traction or tear of the superior trunk of the brachial plexus causes what syndrome?