What are the 3rd branchial arch derivatives innervated by?
Subarachnoid space extends to what spinal level?
Does the serous linings of body cavities arise from neural crest (ectoderm), mesoderm, or endoderm?
Most oxygenated blood reaching the heart via IVC is diverted through the which part and pumped out the aorta to the head?
The infraorbital nerve is a branch off what larger nerve?
What structural defect causes Kartagener's syndrome and What is the consequence?
What pathognomonic change is seen in neutrophils of a person who is Folate or vitamin B12 deficient?
Which is more common a hypospadias or epispadias?
What is a structure consisting of 2 or 3 tissues called as?
In a lesion of the radial nerve, what muscle is associated with wrist drop?
name the structures passing through juglar foramen.
A lesion of the right Meyer's loop (temporal lobe) produces?
What structure is in the femoral triangle but not in the femoral sheath?