What structure is in the femoral triangle but not in the
femoral sheath?
What foetal landmarks (2) have developed within week 3 of fertilization?
What is type X collagen found?
Is the Entrorhinal cortex part of the limbic system?
What is the most common congenital anomaly of the GI tract?
CN IV passes through what 'hole'?
Name the carpal bone forming part of the floor of the anatomical snuff box which is most often fractured ?
Following prostate surgery, your male patient is able to obtain an erection but cannot ejaculate. Name the nerve fibers most likely damaged during surgery ?
What do you mean by homeostatic imbalance?
Which muscles are derivatives of the 1st branchial arch?
What does the primitive ventricle give rise to?
The xiphoid process exists in what dermatome?
What are the 3 classic symptoms of Horner's syndrome?