Is it possible to save view state on the web server?
What is form technology?
what are the types of combo box?
If you are calling three SPs from a window application how do u check for the performance of the SPS ?
1 Answers Accenture, BirlaSoft,
what is a property to resize a label control according to your caption?
Explain how to net forms the windows?
Which property is used to specify the use of an element in the user interface and reports it to the accessibility aids?
how print PGL by XML
0 Answers Bank Of America, Wipro,
What are the advantages of form?
write a program to create login form
tell me something about crystal report in brief?
What is window form application?
How will calculated the net amount in tax add like total net amount = LT+ST+CESS+amount 2500 = 10%+12.5%+5.15%+amount? kindly please explain what type of formula we apply in software? Tushar