code to calculate the number of days between two dates
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Answer / nikhil
<script language="javascript">
Date.prototype.DaysBetween = function()
var intMilDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
var intMilDif = arguments[0] - this;
var intDays = Math.floor(intMilDif/intMilDay);
return intDays;
var d1 = new Date("06/01/2008");
var d2 = new Date("07/31/2008");
var d3=d1.DaysBetween(d2);
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / nagaraj
function getDaysMinusWeekend(startDay, startMonth,
startYear, endDay, endMonth, endYear) { var sdate = new Date
(); var edate = new Date(); var odays = 0; var total =
0; sdate.setFullYear(startYear,startMonth,startDay);
odays = 6 - sdate.getDay(); if(odays == 6) {
odays = 0; } sdate.setFullYear
(startYear,startMonth,startDay + odays); return
Math.floor(((((edate.getTime() - sdate.getTime()) / 1000 /
60 / 60 / 24) / 7) * 5) + odays);}// ########## startMonth
and endMonth both start at 0 i.e 0 = january, 1 = feb etc
function getDaysMinusWeekend(startDay, startMonth,
startYear, endDay, endMonth, endYear) {
var sdate = new Date();
var edate = new Date();
var odays = 0;
var total = 0;
odays = 6 - sdate.getDay();
if(odays == 6) {
odays = 0;
sdate.setFullYear(startYear,startMonth,startDay +
return Math.floor(((((edate.getTime() -
sdate.getTime()) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24) / 7) * 5) +
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 6 No |
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<html> <head> <title>BASIC CALCULATOR</title> </head> <script language= "javascript"> function= setValue(){ var a_term1 </script> <body> <center> <table> <tr> <td><input type="text" id="text box1" style="width:50px"> </td> <td><input type="text" id="text box2" style="width:40px"> </td> <td><input type="text" id="text box3" style="width:50px"> </td> </tr> </table> <table> <tr> <td><input type="text" id="text box4" ></td> </tr> </table> <table> <tr> <td><input type= "button" value= "7" onClick="" ></td> <td><input type= "button" value= "8" onClick="" ></td> <td><input type= "button" value= "9" onClick="" ></td> <td><input type= "button" value= "/" onClick="" ></td> </tr> <td><input type= "button" value= "4" onClick="" ></td> <td><input type= "button" value= "5" onClick="" ></td> <td><input type= "button" value= "6" onClick="" ></td> <td><input type= "button" value= "*" onClick="" ></td> </tr> <td><input type= "button" value= "1" onClick="" ></td> <td><input type= "button" value= "2" onClick="" ></td> <td><input type= "button" value= "3" onClick="" ></td> <td><input type= "button" value= "-" onClick="" ></td> </tr> <td><input type= "button" value= "0" onClick="" ></td> <td><input type= "button" value= "C" onClick="" ></td> <td><input type= "button" value= "=" onClick="" ></td> <td><input type= "button" value= "+" OnClick="" ></td> </table> </center> </body> <hr/> </html> how do i make the calculator work now
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