Develop a program that computes the new price of an item.
The program should receive a
character variable colour and a double precision
floating-point variable price from the
user. Discount rate is determined based on the colour of the
discount sticker, as shown in the
following table. An error message should be printed if an
invalid colour has been entered

Develop a program that computes the new price of an item. The program should receive a character v..

Answer / tw

I'm still learning, but I made this. The color input isn't
validated for random strings characters (will get a seg
fault). Still need to add the calculations

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

void colors() {

int ctr = 0;
double price;
char color[20], tmp[20];
char colorMenu[9][20] = {" ", "WHITE", "BLACK", "RED",
int discount[9]= { 0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 };

do {
printf("\n\nEnter the discount sticker color -> ");
fgets(tmp, 20, stdin);
sscanf(tmp, "%s", &color);
} while (isalpha(color[1]) == 0);

do {
printf("\n\nEnter the price -> ");
fgets(tmp, 20, stdin);
} while (sscanf(tmp, "%f", &price) == 0);

for (int x = 0; color[x] != '\0'; x++)
color[x] = toupper(color[x]);

for (ctr = 0; (strcmp(color, colorMenu[ctr]) != 0); ctr++);

printf("\nPICK: %d", ctr);
printf("\nYOU CHOSE: %s, DISCOUNT: %d percent off",
colorMenu[ctr], discount[ctr]);


int main() {


return (0);

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