Role of a Hr in a company
Anybody knows the Date,Venue and Place of Probationary Officer Interview????Anybody got the Call letter for Syndicate Bank?
Are palms really trees?
a rs100.facevalu preffered stock pays dividend @8%reedem will after 10 years @its facevalu.calculate the instrisnic valu of stock???
i m a 2007 fresher..looking for a job right now.. how could one answer to the question that "what u r doing for the last 2 months"?...
Is there any method (like format and font type,font size) to prepare the documents in pharma or biotech companies?
generally asked question in bpo backoffice
Hello All, Can anybody plz brief abt the yahoo interview procedure?? specially the programming round of the interview procedure??
what is the probable marks to score in banks clerical exam to go through for next round???????please give your feedback who have already got jobs in bank.....please
Engineering your Tomorrows
hai , iam roopa..i have applied for syndicate bamk bpo post.iam from engineering stream.i like to know about the questions that should ask from general economics,accounting etc...please mail
how to calculate an ohmmeter(multiple range)?.. kindly show your computatations?.... plsss answer b4 feb. 1, 2010....... it is important thing..... hope for your kindness...........
hi..ia gng to post sum of questions asked at axis bank..As i was an engineer graduate.Questions askd are h u relate banking to engineering?wht do u knw abt axis bank?wht r the products of axis bank?and abt my family?and my hobbies?