what is the hardware model of CFG( context free grammar)
write a program using linked list in which each node consists of following information. Name[30] Branch Rollno Telephone no i) Write the program to add information of students in linked list
Write a program on swapping (100, 50)
Explain how do you convert strings to numbers in c?
Create a registration form application by taking the details like username, address, phone number, email with password and confirm password (should be same as password).Ensure that the password is of 8 characters with only numbers and alphabets. Take such details for 3 users and display the details. While taking input password must appear as “****”.
What is the meaning of 2d in c?
how to find the given number is prime or not?
main() { int i=0; while(+(+i--)!=0) i-=i++; printf(i); }
A.C func() { pritnf(" in fuction %d",MACRO); } MAIN.c testfunc() { #define MACRO 10 printf("in test function %d", MACRO); } main() { printf("in main %d",MACRO); func(); testfunc(); getch(); }
What is the size of a union variable?
what is mean by Garbage collection ? Please answer me. Advance thanks.
What is Heap?
how to display 2-D array elements in spiral