Describe your ideal job?

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Describe your ideal job?..

Answer / guest

What ever may be the job we desired the only thing that we
should have to mind is growth of career.the respective job
should give you good growth and the organisation should also
be good.

Is This Answer Correct ?    77 Yes 22 No

Describe your ideal job?..

Answer / jeeva karthik

My ideal job is one where my knowledge and skills are put to
good use.
A job where I will learn and grow as a person and an
employee and where I am given challenges that test my potential

Is This Answer Correct ?    42 Yes 3 No

Describe your ideal job?..

Answer / ravi

Ideal Job : One should know his/her career aspirations and
the path to grow along to acheive the set objectives. Its a
continous process of individual development which comprises
of regular knowledge update and sharing, best practice
sharing is the key word in the industry which should happen
consistently. Make sure you have the RIGHT PEOPLE around
who also have the same individual mission statements of
their aspirations, this makes you and the people/colleagues
around you help each other and thus building you as a
strong personality. Any organization comprises of two key
factors.. i,e people and process. Companies with right
people will come out with strong processes and companies
with strong processes are the ones who excel, but most
crucial aspect here is people. Use the oppurtunity within
the company and contribute to the company and thus
automatically takes you to right place. LOVE your JOB!!!

Is This Answer Correct ?    41 Yes 16 No

Describe your ideal job?..

Answer / jeeva karthik

I believe a job is what you make of it. Each position and
company has unique characteristics that give meaning and
value to that job. If you work hard and make the most of the
opportunities given, you will find job satisfaction.
I am enthusiastic about a position that allows me to learn
and grow and to make a positive and meaningful contribution

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 2 No

Describe your ideal job?..

Answer / mvs

Ideally, I would like to work in a fun, warm environment with individuals working independently towards team goals or individual goals. I am not concerned about minor elements, such as dress codes, cubicles, and the level of formality. Most important to me is an atmosphere that fosters attention to quality, honesty, and integrity.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 4 No

Describe your ideal job?..

Answer / guido

describe your ideal career after you graduate

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 12 No

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