if a column contains data like
how to send the unique data to one source and remaining data
to another source????
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Answer / chandu
S.D sahu answer is correct but don't use transformer stage.
use sort stage and use option as createKeyChangeColumn =
True it allows one virtual key column as keychange column
i.e unique records display as 1 and duplicate records it
give 0 and use simple filter stage and that use option or
give where clause =keychangecolumn=1 . unique records are
went to one dataset and use filter stage stage another
option is output rejects =true duplicate records went to
another dataset.
This is the best answer
Is This Answer Correct ? | 21 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / prasad
by using create key change column is true is disp;ays
duplicates records
if it is false it displays non duplicate records
first keep all the records in sort order
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 6 No |
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