how do u catch bad rows from OCI stage?
And what CLI stands for?
if we using two sources having same meta data and how to check the data in two sources is same or not? and if the data is not same i want to abort the job ?how we can do this?
How to write a left outer join condition by using Transformer stage in server jobs? Could any one help me?
how may datastage variables/parameters will be in trnsformer stage? 1 2 3 4 ?
How you Implemented SCD Type 1 & Type 2 in your project?
Is it possible to query a hash file?
hi iam new to this tooliam cmpltied to know abt datastage so now iam in project tell me whole step by step what iam doing iwnt to go with exp so plz hlp me pals
hi i am bhavani, in real time data stage who is the source provide? and how to recevied in developer? Pls send me answer
What is meta stage?
i have a some records eno ename acono amount 1001 suresh sbi101 12000 1001 suresh sbi101 14000 1001 is dublicata how can i remove duplicate?
what is the use of materialized view?
Nls stands for what in datastage?