what is entry for salary advance paid and received? the salary
entry enter to Indusvel name
.........method of stock valuation considered the purchase price of stock which intered the godown last. 1)fifo 2)lifo 3)weight average 4)all the above methoed chose the correct answer?
what is Journal entry or Journal Voucher
What will happen if an organization not maintain the sufficient working capital?
any one provide me mm & fi configration steps
Tell me what is your track record for consistently achieving your targets?
Explain what is balance sheet?
Who has to prepare credit note and debit note? whether the account department or the concerned department like, purchase department, sales department.
capcity utillization
what show in balance sheet after deduct last depreciation of assets
Tell me what do you believe makes a successful account executive?
Explain what is bank reconciliation?
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