agregator gives one to many records or many to one record
On friday, you issued several insert statements using query analyzer. You then verified the data had been correctly entered with a select statement on monday, your users report that the data is not there what happened?
Explain about normal forms?
How to use timestamp datatypes
Pgm A calls Pgm B and pgm B uses cursor, when pgm B is called second time, the program is abending saying the cursor is opened? Why?
What are defaults? Is there a column to which a default can't be bound?
When installing the datastage7.5x2 edtion iam getting aproblem i.e the cpu count is 2 but the cpu count in installation is one . how can i install in my p.c (system is dual core).
what is the use of foreginkey
What are cursors? Explain different types of cursors?
What are the three types of database design?
What is the database development process?
You are testing the performance of a query the first time you run the query, the performance is slow. the second time you run the query, the performance is fast. why is this?
explain detail about ftp in datastage?