Difference between image checkpoint and bitmap checkpoint
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Answer / uday kumar. a
In Bitmap checkpoint, we can compare the exact images,
means the source image(in Build1) with the destination image
(in build2). So it compare the exact image between both the
builds. Here, even we can check the part of images between
source and destination.
where as in Image check point, we can check all the values
and properties of an image. Ex. The destination address
once we click on the image, image type etc.
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Bitmap Check Point Image check Point
1)in this check point we can check the screen area value of
the application, and we check the tolerance , pixel …etc We
check this check point we check source o f the image
2)It is applicable only for windows based application It is
applicable only for web based application
Notr:-If I am wrong pls send a mail to me my mail id is
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Answer / ram
bitmap checkpoint->
this check point compare exact image from both actual and
expected image
image checkpoint->it compare the properties of both actual
and expected image
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Answer / ravindra
Image ckeck point is check the property value of an image.
Bitmap check point is used for to ckeck the captured area
of an image.
EX:Suppose in India map AP state is blinking i.e zoomin and
zoomout to check these type of images we are using the
Bitmap check point.
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