Where is SQL Srever (In sQL server 2005/2008 where is SQL
Server Located).

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Where is SQL Srever (In sQL server 2005/2008 where is SQL Server Located)...

Answer / prabhakar

sql server 2005 is located in c:\program files\microsoft sql server\mssql1.1

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Where is SQL Srever (In sQL server 2005/2008 where is SQL Server Located)...

Answer / phani kiran sai

Suhanya, I am pretty sure that you are eager to know
something about SQL SERVER 2K5 / 2K8 but you need to slow
down and think... is the question that you have asked really
mean anything... does it really have any meaning.. honestly
i didnt get your question.
If you are a developer and if you are looking for Query
window and if this is your question, then you will have to
login to the SQL server instance and click NEW QUERY tab
from the top menu..
if your question was about the physical location of where
actually the SQL SERVER is installed, then its already
answered by prabhakar... which happens to be the default
installation directory for SQL SERVER installation.
If your question was something else apart from what i have
understood, then do feel free to revert back... we are here
to help you guys...
Its not asking a proper question... its asking a question in
a proper way...

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