What is the length of Signature?
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the length of the signature is 16 bit like g2g4h5v3f3v4546k
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how do I declare a table or array in rpg iv?
i want code and what are used key words are ...like wrkmbrpdm screen (q) i have a file with 3 fields empno,empname,empaddr... here you give the empno it displays from that number to remaining empno's how? sub file screen: employee details pos to:empno then enter empno empname empaddr so file have 100 records from 1 to 100 so the above pos you give the 55 empno...it displays the from 55 to remaining... ...... please share this answel
HI,1: What is the function of 'SETON LR' AND '*INLR=*ON ? 2:Can we used "seton lr" OR "*INLR = *ON" in between the program code ? 3:if yes then according to there function the code which is written acter seton lr/ *inlr should not be execute . Can any one tell me why those code get executed ?
can i use UPDDTA command in rpg program in which contains a file
How to declare the pull button in AS/400..
This is my Physical file 'EMPS' existing in library "TAMIL1" and its record format is 'EMPRCD" a)its source is R EMPRCD ENO 4 0 ENAME 10 EADD 10 b)The records present in EMPS are as follows ENO ENAME EADD 0001 tamil coimbatore 0002 kumar bangalore 0003 sunder bangalore 0004 arunkumar chennai 0005 pandi hyderabad 0006 santhosh hyderabad 0007 sasi salem 0008 kalai chennai 0009 suresh hyderabad 0010 vijay bangalore 0011 Arul chennai 0012 velu chennai 0013 khan bangalore 0014 praba chennai 0015 praba.p coimbatore 0016 anand ooty 0017 raja erode 0018 sankar erode 0019 vadivel namakkal 0020 anbu chennai 0021 Ajith mumabi c)now i want to select the 'ENAME' field records starting with 'S' for that i have created a RPG program its source code is PGM DCLF FILE(TAMIL1/EMPS) DCL VAR(&MYENO) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(4) OVRDBF FILE(EMPS) SHARE(*YES) OPNQRYF FILE((TAMIL1/EMPS)) QRYSLT('ENAME *EQ %WLDCRD("S *")') READ: RCVF RCDFMT(EMPRCD) MONMSG MSGID(CPF0864) EXEC(GOTO CMDLBL(END)) CHGVAR VAR(&MYENO) VALUE(&ENO) SNDUSRMSG MSG(&MYENO) SNDUSRMSG MSG(&ENAME) SNDUSRMSG MSG(&EADD) GOTO READ END: CLOF OPNID(EMPS) DLTOVR FILE(EMPS) ENDPGM Is this coding correct sir,the program gets compiled,and if i call it it says query running but records are not displayed.please help me out
wat is the difference between dataarea and data queue?
5 Answers Airtel, Four soft, Shahi Exports,
how to change the length of the field in a physicalfile?
What is significance of a file designated as a Primary file in Rpg400 program....also what's use of secoundry file
RPG/400 number of Records present in a physical file using file information data structure FPF001 IP E DISK F KINFDS INFDS1 IINFDS1 DS I *RECORD RECORD Is this coding correct sir,i have given I P E that is I- input,P-primary file,E-externally described. Primary to use RPG logic cycle,is this the correct method because we have to find number of records present using file information data structure in RPG/400 without doing any input/output operations on the file and also without using DSPFD,SQL. If the above coding is correct means,when i compile the program it gets compiled,but if i call the program it does not return anything,i need number of records,please complete the coding sir.
How do u design a physical file, when you have 2 Unique fields like for eg in A student file student ID and student examination no both are unique