What are the type of Indexes? which one is best, why?

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What are the type of Indexes? which one is best, why?..

Answer / arun pandey


1)Clustered Index
2)NON-Clustered INdex

But Clustered index is better than non-clusted
becoz the searching in clusterd is faster than non-clustered

Arun Pandey

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What are the type of Indexes? which one is best, why?..

Answer / s. sundar

1. Clustered Index
2. Non-Clustered Index

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What are the type of Indexes? which one is best, why?..

Answer / jeff jordan

1) Clustered Index
2) Non-Clustered Index

I'm assuming by "which one is best" we mean which has the
faster look ups. This would be the clustered index since it
is the physical ordering of the rows and the non-clustered
index is like a lookup table. With the clustered index one
you've found the index you've found your row...

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What are the type of Indexes? which one is best, why?..

Answer / amit choubey

clusterd and non clusterd

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What are the type of Indexes? which one is best, why?..

Answer / jay vardhan singh

Cluster is faster then non cluster index.We can use only
one cluster index on one table and we can use more then one
non cluster index on one table.

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What are the type of Indexes? which one is best, why?..

Answer / a.ganesh

not only two type, more type of indexes there
such as Clustered Index with Primary And Index with Uniqu

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