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to prepare for po's in a smart way
Which of the following films won six Oscar Awards, including the Best Film at the 75 Annual Academy Awards? 1. Chicago 2. The Pianist 3. The Hours 4. Adaptation
At present the major part of which of the follwoing central revenues goes to various state governments in india
Which question papers I have to learne for openmat exam
Could YOU please let me Know good TTC entrance exam coaching centers in hyderabad
the october 2004, where did the prime minister of india inaugurate the prototype fast breeder reactor?
A certain code ,EDUCATION is written as OPJUBDVEF,how COMPUTERS written in same code?
What is the control valve
Q. 1 The present state of recession in the IT industry- as a HR manager how are you going to undertake HR planning at macro level to tide over this crisis? Q. 2 If you are working in a super market, what techniques/tools you will use in data collection. How are you going to analysis the data and make inferences? How will you finally apply your market research to improve sales and win over customers? Pls Replay as soon as Possible Chintal
0 Answers Hathway, Human Resources,
who was the fist prime minister in india
Which of the following planets is nearest from the sn ?
I am appearing for bank of baroda po exam.kindly send me the aptitude questions for the last 5 years. my email id is - abhimanyu.jamaiyar@gmail.com
which country does not belong to G8 group of nations
3 Answers Altec, Ignou, OpenMat,