What is QuickTest Automation Object Model? Where we can use AOM?
Answer / sonal.pagare
It's a way to write scripts so as to automate your QuickTest
This is a small list of places (but not limited to) where we
can use AOM. Thumb Rule - Use it at any place where you find
yourself doing repetitive tasks while using QTP.
• AOM can come handy when you have a large no of scripts to
be uploaded to QC. A simple script can save you hours of
manual work!
• Use AOM to initialize QTP options and settings like
add-ins etc.
• You can use AOM to call QTP from other application: For
ex: You can write a macro for calling QTP from excel.
Caution: AOM should be used outside of QTP and not within
the script (during playback). Though there is no harm using
it inside but some of the AOM statements might fail.
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I want to do Certification course in QTP. For this I request you to suggest the best Tutorial in PDF format, as i'm not in a possition to afford any 'Fee' to join in any institutions. Hence, if possible, kinldy mail PDF file to my mail-ID: chakri_avala@yahoo.co.in Regards, Chakradhar Yadav.
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