what is overlay? how can we pass parameters in cl or rpg
programing? how can we get data area value in cl or rpg

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what is overlay? how can we pass parameters in cl or rpg programing? how can we get data area valu..

Answer / radha sammangi

overlay : This is keyword which is used for overlays the storage of one subfield with another subfield in a data structure.


D Datastructure DS
D Fullname 15a
D Firstname 6a OVERLAY(Fullname)
D Middlename 5a OVERLAY(Fullname:7)
D Lastname 4a OVERLAY(Fullname:12)

Even we can use OVERLAY(Fullname :*NEXT) instead of positions.

2) CALL PGM(program name) PARM(A B C....) in CL

CALL 'Pgmname' Plist /*In RPG




We can use IN and OUT operations for reading and writing data area in RPG programs.

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what is overlay? how can we pass parameters in cl or rpg programing? how can we get data area valu..

Answer / vicky

we can also use overlay on subfile

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