What is the difference between RPG/400 and RPG4
3. Given the DOS Specification below and the following information: • Indicator 50 is off • No records have been written to the subfile What will be the result if the EXFMT operation code is performed on the record format CTLR? A R SUBFL A DESCRIP 101 6 1ODSPATR(UL) A DFT(’NOT FOUND’) A R CTLR SFLCTL(SUBFL) A N50 SFLDSP A SFLDSPCTL A SFLINZ A 67 SFIJEND A SFLSIZ(13) A SFLPAG(12) A ACCOUNTNO 100 S 10 a.) Only AccountNo will display b.) SUBFL will be initialized with 13 blank records c.) An I/O exception error will occur d.) The screen will display 12 records with ‘NOT FOUND’
what will happen two jobs have same name are submitted
I am reading a file in CL program. and MONMSG CPF0864 has arrived means EOF has arrived. Now i want to read this file again. How i can do this?
5 Answers CitiGroup, Symphony,
In ProgramB there is a SBMJOB, which is a call to program C .There is also a CALL to program D from B. How would you check the program C has been executed in D?
what is difference between DSPFD and DSPFFD?please give me real senario with good example?
I know whole thing ab't Arrays related to declaration..can anyone tell me what exactly use of array or anyone faced a situation where he found use of array must....
How to update selected fields from pf without using update opcode. How to read all member in Rpg-3,without using any cl command?
How to handle duplicate error handling in RPG?
What is difference between bind by copy and bind by reference?
How to create a login screen using a command instead of display file.... intention is to get a password field on a command..... how do you achieve this...
Q:Hi all,i want accurate answer with code using in built functions.please sent me code as soon as posible. I have program nmed PGM1 which '' RETRIEVE Current production date''should correctly default the production date for the user who is issuing raw materials to the manufacturing.The production date can be different from the celendra date. However, the program does not make the correct adjustment for all manufacturing plants. there is a parameter which determines the production start time e.g. 07:00 if the system time precedes this,the program subtracts one from the celendra day.This work fine when the celendar day starts after production day as it does in England,the system should be adding one to the celendar day during the overlap. unfortunately the program was desined to assumed the celendar day always starts before the production day. Change required in the program: Change the PROGRAM PGM1 to use the new parrameter to decide whether to add or subtract 1 from the celendar day when determining the production date.