How do I link an existing logical file to it's Physical
File without recompiling?
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which MONMSG will give higher priority in CL program? I know MONMSG are of two types. Program Level Monmsg and Command Monmsg?
How many program bind in one module....
How to index LF by relative record no (RRN)
what is batch debug in as400?
A particular job executing on the iS is not behaving as expected and is operating in an environment in which it can be debugged. What commands would you use to debug and observe the program?
3 members in a databasefile .how to read records from all the members?????????
what are the array operations?
Hi guys. Im in AS/400(RPGLE,CLP) from last 1 year.Now i wan to upgrade my Knowledge in AS/400. Suggest me some new fields & courses which falls under AS/400. Waiting for your quick Response.
what is ment by "MDT"
without logical file we cannot access the data in physical file.but we specify physical file in the program(ie:- Ffile IF E k disk).how can it be accessed?
What is the purpose of Panel Groups?
What is the difference between RPG/400 and RPG4