Write a client and server program in C language using UDP,
where client program interact with the Server as given
i) The client begins by sending a request to send a
string of 8 characters or series of 7 numbers, the server
sends back a characters or numbers as per the request of
the client.
ii) In case of series of 7 numbers: The client sends a
multiplication of numbers, to the server.
iii) In case of a string of 8 characters: The client sends
a reverse order of string to the server..
iv) Server will send an acknowledgment to the client after
receiving the correct answer
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Read the following data in two different files File A: aaaaaaaadddddddd bbbbbbbbeeeeeeee ccccccccffffffff File B: 11111111 22222222 33333333 By using the above files print the following output or write it in the Other file as follows aaaaaaaa11111111dddddddd bbbbbbbb22222222eeeeeeee cccccccc33333333ffffffffffff
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Which of the following about the C comments is incorrect ? a.commentscan go over multiple lines b.comments can start any where in the line c.a line can contain comments with out any language statements d.comments can occur within comments
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wat is the output int main() { char s1[]="Hello"; char s2[]="Hello"; if(s1==s2) printf("Same"); else printf("Diff"); }
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