Are there constructors in c?
what is the structure?
Input is "rama loves rajesh and rajesh Loves rama also and rajesh wear gloves and bloves" To print output is count the numbers of times repeted the word love without case sensitive.
Explain high-order and low-order bytes.
If i have an array 0 to 99 i.e,(Size 100) I place the values 1 to 100 randomly like a[0]=29,a[1]=56 upto array[99].. the values are only between 1 to 100. getting the array values by using scanf.. If i entered one wrong element value line a[56]=108. how can i find it.. and also how to find the missing value in 1 to 100.. and i want to replace the missing values.. any one of them know please post your answer..
main() { int i = 10; printf(" %d %d %d ", ++i, i++, ++i); }
Write a c program to find, no of occurance of a given word in a file. The word is case sensitive.
Which header file should you include if you are to develop a function which can accept variable number of arguments?
how can i get output the following... 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 plz plz...
write a program to count the no of repaeted words in a line?
What does c in a circle mean?
what is the function of .h in #include<stdio.h> in c ?
23 Answers HCL, IBM, Wipro,
What is the process to create increment and decrement stamen in c?