Real time document loadrunner
Hi can anyone help with projects using load runner. I learnt loadrunner but don't have a hands on experience on it.. it will be very much helpful if some can help me up with a project. can email me:
Hi guys I am pravash kumar satapathy having 4.5yrs experience in loadrunner .i am providing online training in loadrunner,jmeter .if any body are interested directly u can call me or mail me pk.loadrunner-----skype 9437629024
What are monitors?
What is run-time-setting?
1st i would like thankfull to (Mr.AJAY,MR.Srinivas,Rani) which u gave nice Posting Answers,my question is to get a job in performance testing how we have to pripare like what part i have to cover,i did not done any project just knoledge on tool, i am expecting valuble sugistions , gideliens to achive goal?(Chandana)
How do you perform functional testing under load?
1.What is the relation b/w Throughput and Response Time?
what are the baseline doc for performance testing?
How many types of scripts generated in LoadRunner?What are they?
What is bottlenecks and how to identify bottlenecks? Could anyone answer this question in point of interview please....
What is elapsed time in load runner?
What is performance testing in loadrunner?