What is Fission and Fusion?

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What is Fission and Fusion? ..

Answer / bhuvaneshwari

Fission is a process that takes place in an atom which
results in splitting of a bigger unstable atom into smaller
stable atoms.Eg: He atom is divided into H atoms by fission
reaction. takes place in sun
Fusion is a process that combines smaller unstable atoms to
form a bigger stable atom. eg: 2H atoms combines to form a
He atom.

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What is Fission and Fusion? ..

Answer / ancy rose varghese

The splitting of nucleus of an atom into two pieces having
equal weight is called as nuclear fission.eg atombomb
The process of formation of a highly weighed nucleus by the
combination or fusion of two or more light weighed nucleus
is called as nuclear fusion.eg hydrogen bomb

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What is Fission and Fusion? ..

Answer / bak

Fission is the process of nuclear breakdown of heavy unstable atoms into smaller more stable atom. In doing so a large amount of energy is released. Fusion is the process of nuclear fusion of 2 or more light atoms to a single more stable atom. In doing so a large amount of energy is required to overcome repulsive forces between the nuclei.

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What is Fission and Fusion? ..

Answer / shashwat

Fission: The breaking down of a Nucleus (not atom) into
smaller nuclei. It is usually induced by a neutron.
For example, a Helium nucleus (called alpha particle) is
divided into two 4He(+2) --> 2H(+1) + 2H(+1)
A lot of enery is released in the process.

Fusion: This happens when two nuclei combines to form a
larger nuclei. Huge amount of enery is needed to start
this. Because its not easy to bring two positively charged
nuclei closer.
When they combine, a huge amount of energy is released.
This usually happens in the stars.
The enery required to start the fusion comes from the
gravitational force between the particles.

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What is Fission and Fusion? ..

Answer / kavita

FISSION: The process of splitting of an atom having large
atomic no.into two or more atoms having smaller atomic no.s
is called fission. A large amount of energy is required in
this process.

The sum of atomic mass of smaller atoms formed is equal to
the mass of bigger atom.

FUSION: The process of combining of smaller atoms into
bigger atoms is called fusion. A large amount of energy is
released in this process.

The atomic mass of bigger atom formed is equal to the sum of
masses of smaller atoms.

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What is Fission and Fusion? ..

Answer / bhushan parate

Fission is breaking of bond in atom or molecule and fusion
is bond formation between atom or molecule.

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